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Specialist Services for women with Female Genital Mutilation

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 14:10 - 14:50

Specialist services for FGM survivors vary considerably across the UK. We will hear from specialist FGM Midwife and PhD student Juliet Albert who is exploring current service provision in the UK. We will hear the evidence around important issues affecting current FGM care including:- ensuring we provide up-to-date information to women on their anatomy and physiology; NHS England enhanced dataset consultation; the recent FGM conviction and it’s impact upon safeguarding assessments and FGM practising communities; ensuring we provide culturally-safe trauma-informed care; and the ACERS-UK project.

Juliet Albert, FGM Specialist Midwife & PhD Student (Nottingham University), The Sunflower Clinic, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust