Time | Information |
8:30 AM - 9:10 AM |
Registration and refreshments |
9:10 AM - 9:15 AM |
Introduction by chair |
9:15 AM - 9:25 AM |
9:25 AM - 10:05 AM |
Gender-neutral language, a feminist midwife investigatesKim Crossan, Lecturer, University of Notre Dame
The contemporary well-being of sexual and gender minorities within maternity is a growing area of concern. Midwives play a pivotal role in shaping the experiences of those using maternity services. However, the integration of gender-neutral language presents challenges, given the historically feminine origins and patriarchal influence on maternity services. Substantial literature exists from the service user's perspective; however, understanding midwives' perceptions is equally crucial. Investigating how gender-neutral language affects midwifery practice and philosophy is vital, as the traditional focus on women in midwifery is currently under examination. A midwife's beliefs about language can influence their practice. This study aims to address a gap in the Australian literature and inform healthcare organisations about inclusive language use in maternity services.
10:05 AM - 10:45 AM |
Optimising Maternal and Offspring Health during the First 1000+ (+to include preconception) daysKathy Whyte, Nutritionist and former midwife, Founder of Nurture Mum
Before and during pregnancy presents a unique opportunity in a women's life-course to optimise her current and future health, and that of her offspring. Despite preconception health being fundamental for maternal and child health it is a frequently forgotten area of healthcare and selfcare. What can we do to change this? What can we do to support development of healthier lives, and reduce the burden of preventable health issues for individuals, families and the health system during the First 1000+ days?
10:45 AM - 11:10 AM |
Break & exhibition viewing |
11:10 AM - 11:50 AM |
Doulas Dilemma: are doulas disrupting the midwifery role?Vera Dubrovina-Thompson, Doula, Childbirth Educator, Yoga Therapist and Breastfeeding Counsellor, Thompson Holistic ServicesLeti Tufari, Doula, Childbirth educator, Miracle Birth
In our presentation, we'll explore the multifaceted benefits of doula support in UK maternity care, emphasizing their pivotal role in providing emotional support, advocacy, and guidance to expectant mothers. The positive impact includes reduced medical interventions, heightened client satisfaction, and improved birth outcomes. Attendees will delve into real-life case studies and research findings, highlighting empirical evidence supporting doula care efficacy. Emphasis will be on fostering collaboration between doulas and medical professionals, focusing on effective communication and mutual respect. Addressing challenges and misconceptions, the presentation aims to inspire advocacy for widespread adoption of doula support for holistic and women-centred maternity care.
11:50 AM - 12:30 PM |
Infant Gut MicrobiomeDr Caroline Childs, Associate Professor in Nutritional Sciences , University of Southampton
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM |
Lunch & exhibition viewing |
1:30 PM - 2:10 PM |
The ‘dark art’ of Professional Midwifery AdvocacyKeely Franklin, Lead Professional Midwifery Advocate, Bedfordshire Hospitals Foundation TrustTina McCann, Lead Professional Midwifery Advocate, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Instrumental in producing a local and generic staff friendly PMA booklet. This has been used as a cross site resource that has been translated for the use for the local Trust PNA team, region and national wide as well as for the Academic network.
The concept was borne from cross site collaboration of two Lead Professional Advocates who were new into post supporting approx. 1,000 maternity staff across two sites. It became apparent that there was a requirement to formulate a resource for staff and for a signpost resource for the advocate, it was considered that there wasn’t anything out there at the time so it had to be assembled from scratch. The manifestation of the booklet was to clarify and celebrate the benefits of supporting staff, but could also be a resource for the sessional PMAs. Our thought process was humorously discussed as the ‘dark art’ of the PMA using the AEQUIP model. The booklet required to be more than an extended leaflet, in conclusion the booklet was a fitting resource that could be also be used in a generic form. |
2:10 PM - 2:50 PM |
Specialist Services for women with Female Genital MutilationJuliet Albert, FGM Specialist Midwife & PhD Student (Nottingham University), The Sunflower Clinic, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Specialist services for FGM survivors vary considerably across the UK. We will hear from specialist FGM Midwife and PhD student Juliet Albert who is exploring current service provision in the UK. We will hear the evidence around important issues affecting current FGM care including:- ensuring we provide up-to-date information to women on their anatomy and physiology; NHS England enhanced dataset consultation; the recent FGM conviction and it’s impact upon safeguarding assessments and FGM practising communities; ensuring we provide culturally-safe trauma-informed care; and the ACERS-UK project.
2:50 PM - 3:15 PM |
Break & exhibition viewing |
3:15 PM - 3:55 PM |
Getting over the Bump: a collaborative Occupational Therapy and Maternal medicine Midwife service for birthing people with physical and sensory impairmentsTrudy Williams, Consultant Midwife and Advanced Clinical Practitioner/Non-medical prescriber, Surrey Heartlands ICB (on secondment from St. George’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)Cheryl Edwards, Occupational Therapist , St. George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
This session will provide an overview of this unique, innovative and collaborative ante-natal service developed at St. George’s Hospital, South-West London. This session will provide an overview of how the service developed and the service aims:
· To support and adapt to physical changes in pregnancy with disability; · To prepare for birthplace and required in-patient adaptations; · Formulate collaborative care plans; · Anticipate and advise regarding early parenting and self care -empowering and enabling independent parenting · Provide advice around strategies, equipment and other statutory and voluntary organisations available. |
3:55 PM - 4:25 PM |
Aspects of Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing for Gestational DiabetesJames Jackson, Founder and CEO, Digostics Ltd
OGTT is the only recommended test for detecting gestational diabetes, and the most recommended test for dysglycaemia in other conditions including type 1 diabetes and cystic fibrosis. OGTT relies on accurate measurement of blood glucose, however while glucose is a simple molecule, it is difficult to measure in many settings where OGTT is conducted. As Digostics brings the first OGTT home test kit to market in the NHS, the company is learning a lot about how gestational diabetes is being tested for and how complicated successful provision of OGTT can be. Some important aspects of OGTT will be discussed.
4:25 PM - 4:30 PM |
Closing remarks |